Ethereum: How to get current BTC rate for BRL(real) using php cURL or javascript

Current BTC Rate BRL via PHP Curl and Javascript

Are you tired of looking for outdated bets on online forums or sites? In this article, we will study Two Ways to get the current Bitcoin (BTC) Level in Brazilian Real (BRL) Using PHP Curl and Javascript.

Method 1: PHP Curl use with broker API

To get the current btc rate in your BRL, you will need to use an online brokerage api that provides real -time exchange courses. One Such API is Coingecko API, which allows you to get rates in Different Fiat Currencies, including Brazilian Real.

Here is an Example or PHP Script using a Curl:


// Set your api key from cingecko's site

$ apikey = 'your_api_key_here';

// Create API Request URL

$ Url = "

$ header = array (

"Authorization: Carrier". $ APikey,


// Send A Request to Receive via Curl

$ Ch = curl_init ($ url);

Curl_SetOpt_ARRAY ($ CH, Array (

Curlopt_Rreturntransfer => True,

Curlopt_httphead => $ header,


$ reply = curl_exec ($ ch);

Curl_close ($ CH);

// Parse Json's Answer

$ data = json_dode ($ answar, true);

$ brlrate = $ data ['BRL'] ['BTC'];

Echo "Current BTC BRL: $ BRLRATE";


Replace Your_Api_Key_Here With Your Actual API Key from Cingecko.

Method 2: JavaScript use with Exchange Rate API

Another way to get the current btc rate in the BRL is the exchange rate api that provides real -time exchange rates. You can use the api fetch javascript or library, such as axios, to submit an http request to api.


Conste apikey = ‘your_api_key_here’;

Const url = {apikey};

to Bring (URL)

.Then (answer => reaction.jon ())

.Then (data => {

Const Btcate = Data Transmission Speeds. [BTC];

Console.log (Current BTC Rate BRL: $ {btcate});


.catch (error => console.error (‘error:’, error));



make sure the api exchange rate is replaced by your_api_key_here with your actual api key.

In Both examples, you will need to install the necessary libraries (curl or akios) and set the api keys.

While these methods can help you regain your current btc rate in BRL, keep in mind that currency exchange rates can fluctuate rapidly due to market forces. Always check the rates Accuracy by Checking Several Sources.

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